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Best Study Techniques for Different Learning Preferences

Aug 11

2 min read




In the dynamic world of education, understanding that every student learns differently is crucial. Finding out which study techniques fit you is essential to maximising your learning. In this article, we explore the top study techniques for different learning preferences: visual, auditory, and reading/writing learners to help you discover what suits you.

1. Visual Learners

Visual learners comprehend information best when it’s presented in a visual format. They benefit from seeing pictures, diagrams, and written directions.

Study Techniques:

  • Mind Maps: Create mind maps to visually organise information. This helps in seeing the connections between different concepts.

  • Charts and Diagrams: Use charts and diagrams to break down complex information into visual chunks.

  • Flashcards: Visual learners can benefit from flashcards with images or diagrams to memorise information.

2. Auditory Learners

Auditory learners excel when they can hear and discuss information. They benefit from listening to explanations and engaging in conversations about the subject matter.

Study Techniques:

  • Teach Back Method (Feynman Technique): Teach the material to someone else. Explaining concepts out loud helps reinforce understanding.

  • Rhymes and Mnemonics: Create rhymes, songs, or mnemonics to remember information more easily.

3. Reading/Writing Learners

Reading/writing learners prefer to learn through written words. They excel in traditional learning environments where reading and note-taking are prevalent.

Study Techniques:

  • Note-Taking/Flash cards: Rewriting notes or writing your own flashcards can also help reinforce information.

  • Summarising: Summarise each chapter or topic in your own words. This practice helps with retention and understanding.


Personalised learning isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. By experimenting with various techniques to discover what works best for you, you can transform your educational experience. At LearnOS, we want to empower students to try different techniques and tools to personalise their learning experience and unlock their full potential! 

Found a study technique that works for you? Have any ideas on how study tools can help students learn better? Leave a comment below or reach out to us at to continue the conversation.

Aug 11

2 min read





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