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Leveraging Technology to Enhance Your Study Routine

Aug 22

3 min read




There is an abundance of technology available for students to streamline their study routines. In this blog, we will discuss a few commonly used tools which you could add to your study toolbox, from planning tools that keep you organised to educational apps that enhance learning, and productivity apps that keep distractions at bay. Let’s explore how you can leverage these tools to study smarter.

1. Planning Tools:

Effective time management is the foundation of any successful study routine. Planning tools like Google Calendar, Notion, Obsidian, and Todoist can help you keep track of your assignments, exams, and study sessions, ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks.

  • Google Calendar: A staple for time management, Google Calendar allows you to schedule your study sessions, set reminders for upcoming deadlines, and visualise your week at a glance. You can create multiple calendars for different subjects or projects and share them with classmates or study groups.

  • Notion: This all-in-one workspace is perfect for students who need a flexible, customisable planning tool. With Notion, you can create detailed to-do lists, manage your study materials, and even embed links, videos, and documents all in one place. Its versatility makes it ideal for organising complex projects or planning your entire semester.

  • Obsidian: If you’re someone who enjoys taking detailed notes and connecting ideas, Obsidian is the tool for you. This markdown-based note-taking app lets you create a network of linked notes, making it easy to track your thoughts and study materials. You can create a personal knowledge base, linking related concepts and notes together, which is especially helpful for subjects that require deep understanding and connections between topics.

  • Todoist: For students who prefer a simple yet powerful task management tool, Todoist is a great option. It allows you to organise your tasks by project, set due dates, and prioritise your workload with different levels of urgency. Todoist’s clean interface makes it easy to see what needs to be done at a glance, and its integration with other tools like Google Calendar ensures that your study schedule is always up to date.

2. Educational Tools:

Mastering your study material is easier when you have the right educational tools at your disposal. Apps like Quizlet & Anki offer interactive ways to learn and retain information, making studying more engaging and effective. There are plenty of educational tools out there. Take some time to explore which works best for you. 

  • Quizlet: Known for its vast library of user-generated flashcards, Quizlet allows you to create your own sets or study from existing ones. It offers various modes like Learn, Write, and Test, which cater to different learning preferences. Quizlet’s games and timed quizzes also make studying fun and competitive.

  • Anki: If you’re looking to improve long-term retention, Anki’s spaced repetition system is a game-changer. Anki helps you focus on the material you’re most likely to forget, spacing out reviews over increasing intervals based on how well you know each concept. This method is particularly useful for subjects that require memorisation, such as languages or medical terminology.

3. Productivity Tools:

Maintaining focus during study sessions can be challenging, especially with the constant distractions of digital devices. Productivity apps like Forest help you stay on track by turning your focus into a rewarding experience.

  • Forest: Forest gamifies productivity by encouraging you to stay off your phone. When you start a study session, you plant a virtual tree, which grows as long as you stay focused. If you exit the app to check your phone, the tree dies. Over time, you can grow a forest, representing the hours of focused work you’ve put in. The app also offers a tangible reward system where you can use earned points to plant real trees.


By integrating these planning, educational, and productivity tools into your study routine, you can create a more organised, effective, and focused approach to learning. Whether you’re scheduling your study sessions with Google Calendar, mastering content with Anki, or staying on task with Forest, leveraging technology can help you achieve your academic goals with greater ease and efficiency. Embrace these tools, and watch your study routine transform for the better!

At LearnOS, we are on a mission to develop new tools to enhance the way we learn. What tools do you currently like to use? Or what do you think is currently missing from the market? Leave a comment below or reach out to us at to continue the conversation.

Aug 22

3 min read





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